Manuscript Submission

    1. Manuscripts are solicited by members of the Editorial Board or may be submitted by readers or other interested parties. Neonatology Today welcomes the submission of all academic manuscripts including randomized control trials, case reports, guidelines, best practice analysis, QI/QA, conference abstracts, and other important works. All content is subject to peer review.

    2. All material should be emailed to in a Microsoft Word, Open Office, or XML format for the textual material and separate files (tif, eps, jpg, gif, ai, psd, or pdf) for each figure. Preferred formats are ai, psd, or pdf. tif and jpg images should have sufficient resolution so as not to have visible pixilation for the intended dimension. Short videos may also be submitted. In general, if acceptable for publication, submissions will be published within 3 months.

    3. There is no charge for submission, publication (regardless of number of graphics and charts), use of color, or length. Published content will be freely available after publication (i.e., open access). There is no charge for your manuscript to be published under open access

    4. Title page should contain a brief title and full names of all authors, their professional degrees, their institutional affiliations, and any conflict of interest relevant to the manuscript. The principal author should be identified as the first author. Contact information for the principal author including phone number, fax number, email address, and mailing address should be included.

    5. A brief biographical sketch (very short paragraph) of the principal author including current position and academic titles as well as fellowship status in professional societies should be included. A picture of the principal (corresponding) author and supporting authors should be submitted if available.

    6. An abstract may be submitted.

    7. The main text of the article should be written in formal style using correct English. The length may be up to 5,000 words. Abbreviations which are commonplace in neonatology or in the lay literature may be used.

    8. References should be included in standard National Library of Medicine (NLM) format. Bibliography Software should be used to facilitate formatting and to ensure that the correct formatting and abbreviations are used for references.

    9. Figures should be submitted separately as individual separate electronic files. Numbered figure captions should be included in the main file after the references. Captions should be brief.

    10. Only manuscripts that have not been published previously will be considered for publication except under special circumstances. Prior publication must be disclosed on submission. Published articles become the property of the Neonatology Today and may not be published, copied or reproduced elsewhere without permission from Neonatology Today.

    11. NT recommends reading Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals from ICMJE prior to submission if there is any question regarding the appropriateness of a manuscript. NT follows Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing(a joint statement by COPE, DOAJ, WAME, and OASPA). Published articles become the property of the Neonatology Today and may not be published, copied or reproduced elsewhere without permission from Neonatology Today.